Figure 3

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Flow chemistry based automation platform. (A) Pfizer’s automated synthesis platform, incorporating flow chemistry, expedited nanomolar reaction screening and micromolar synthesis within a modular unit. Capable of producing data for 5760 reactions and exceeding a rate of 1500 reactions per day, it also yielded micromolar quantities of the desired material [37]. Copyright©2018, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (B) MIT’s automated chemical synthesis platform, unveiled in 2018, merged integrated AI and robotics to minimize the professional chemist’s workload. It was a versatile, plug-and-play system designed for efficient chemical synthesis [38]. Copyright©2018, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (C) The integration of flow synthesis with machine learning significantly enhanced materials discovery. This ML-guided design model identified more than 10 copolymer compositions outperforming conventional materials [39]. Copyright©2021, American Chemical Society.
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