Figure 10
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Chiral active matter in complex geometries. (A) Rotating particles in an annular channel of width D<2σ. Reprinted with permission from [113]. Copyright©2010 IOP Publishing Ltd. (B) Rotor binary mixture with soft active boundaries for varying boundary composition. Reprinted with permission from [118]. Copyright©2015 National Academy of Sciences. (C) Binary mixture of vibrational granular rotors with a double-stranded rotor chain in the evolution of time. Reprinted with permission from [114]. Copyright©2021 The Author(s). (D) A chiral active fluid forced through a grid of fixed obstacles. Reprinted with permission from [69]. Copyright©2021 The Author(s). (E) Circle swimmer transport can be facilitated by the introduction of a periodic lattice of obstacles. Reprinted with permission from [100]. Copyright©2022 The Author(s). (F) Circle swimmers can be sorted and caged by chiral surroundings. The active particle changes chirality midway and only shows trapping for one sign of chirality. Reprinted with permission form [119]. Copyright©2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (G) Complex or chiral geometries can be employed in order to create chiral flows from polar active fluids. Reprinted with permission from [120]. Copyright©2018 The Author(s). (H) Polar active fluid without inherent internal chirality in a Lieb lattice shows the emergence of chiral flows and a net chiral flow in the unit cell. The material exhibits topologically protected edges modes resulting from a non-zero chirality. Reprinted with permission from [121]. Copyright©2017 Springer Nature. (I) Emergent local chiral flows can lead to the emergence of topologically protected edge modes even in the absence of net vorticity in the unit cell, as shown here. Reprinted with permission from [107]. Copyright©2019 the American Physical Society.
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