Special Topic: Active Matter
Open Access

Figure 5


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Streamlines of the flow created by a point force into the x-direction in a quasi-two-dimensional compressible fluid layer coupled to frictious substrate without (A) and with (B) odd viscosity. The friction between the fluid and the substrate introduces the hydrodynamic cutoff length κ-1. Without odd viscosity, this amounts to a screened version of the stokeslet. The presence of odd viscosity adds a transverse component to the created flows. Reprinted with permission from [58]. Copyright©2021 the American Physical Society. (C) Trajectory (red) of a particle (red) subject to a constant force into the x-direction in a chiral active bath consisting out of circle swimmers (instantaneous positions depicted as blue circles). The trajectory shows the emergence of a Hall angle of 20° between the direction the force is applied into and the direction of the particle motion. Reprinted with permission from [72]. Copyright©2019 the American Physical Society.

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