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A conceptual diagram for the seasonal variation of the photochemistry and a new O3 pollution control strategy. (A) From a phenomenon perspective, high and conserved total oxidants were observed from hot to cool seasons in Eastern Chinese conurbations despite a decrease of temperature and solar radiation and increase of NO2 concentrations. In the framework of the new control strategy, the photochemical O3 production is split into two components: primary ROx production and the amplification factor during the OH-HO2-RO2 radical cycling (often noted as ChL). In the cool seasons, it is in fact the radical precursors, in addition to the widely regulated species—NOx and VOCs, that are worth considering as mitigation subjects for the control of primary ROx production. (B), (C) O3 relative incremental reactivity of NOx, VOCs and primary ROx productions during warm and cool seasons.

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