Figure 5


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Study of the waveguide-integrated 2D-material photodetectors. (A) Schematic of the graphene-on-silicon heterostructure photodetector [69]. (B) False-color SEM image of the graphene-on-silicon slot waveguide photodetector [70]. (C) Schematic of the on-chip graphene optical coherent receiver based on the plasmonic waveguide [193]. (D) Schematic of the graphene-on-silicon photodetector at 2-μm wavelengths [187]. (E) False-color SEM image of the PtSe2 photodetector with the bound-states-in-continuum waveguide integration [200]. (F) Schematic and image of the Ti3C2Tx/p-Si waveguide-integrated photodetector [201]. The inset is the false-color optical image of the photodetector.

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