Table 1

Related reports based on the method of remote epitaxy

Growth method Substrate type 2D materials Epitaxial layer Exfoliation Ref.
MOCVD GaAs Graphene GaAs Yes [7]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene AlN [8]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene AlGaN/AlN [9]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene AlN [40]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene GaN [43]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene AlN [47]
CVD NaCl, CaF2 Graphene CsPbBr3 Yes [49]
MBE Sapphire Graphene GaN [50]
MBE Sapphire Graphene GaN [51]
MBE Mo MoS2 GaN Yes [52]
MBE Sapphire WSe2 GaN [53]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene AlGaN [54]
MOVPE Sapphire Graphene GaN Yes [55]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene AlN [56]
MOCVD Sapphire Graphene AlN [57]
PLD and MBE SrTiO3, MgAl2O4, and Gd3Ga5O12 Graphene SrTiO3, CoFe2O4, and Y3Fe5O12 Yes [58]

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