Figure 1


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(A) The structure of I-SceI bound to the DNA substrate (PDB ID: 1R7M). The meganuclease is yellow, while its multiple β-strands interacting with DNA bases are colored cyan. The 18-bp DNA sequence recognized by I-SceI is in pink, and the DNA cleavage sites are in red. The cartoon is depicted with ChimeraX 1.3. (B) Tandem zinc-finger repeats with the target DNA (PDB ID: 2I13). (C) An individual zinc finger repeat interacting with DNA. Key protein residues responsible for DNA base recognition and zinc ion coordination are shown as sticks. The zinc ion is presented as a green sphere. (D) Schematic diagram of ZFN. ZF modules are indicated in different colors, and DNA triplets are underlined and shown in the same color.

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