Figure 4


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Schematic models of staggered cleavage of DNA by SpCas9 (A) and Cas12a (B). (A) The SpCas9-sgRNA complex searches the target via both 1D and 3D diffusion. The PAM recognition by the PI domain initiates the R-loop formation. As the R-loop elongates, the REC domains and PI domain undergo significant conformational changes and distort the RNA-DNA heteroduplex, enabling the activation of the HNH domain. Finally, the NTS and TS are cleaved by RuvC and HNH domains, respectively. (B) The AsCas12a-crRNA complex searches the target through 1D diffusion. Unlike SpCas9, AsCas12a recognizes bases T and A from both strands in the PAM region. As the formation of the R-loop, the REC lobe and NUC lobe become more open to accommodate the RNA-DNA heteroduplex. The NTS is displaced and further cleaved by the RuvC domain. The TS is then loaded to the active site of the RuvC domain and cleaved, which is speculated to be mediated by the Nuc domain.

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